Accessibility Standards Policy Statement

This statement is intended to meet the requirements of the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act, 2005 (the “AODA”), and its regulations, establishing Accessibility Standards for Customer Service, Information and Communications, Employment, Transportation and Public Spaces in the Province of Ontario. This statement applies to the provision of services and operation of our business at the offices of Tereposky & DeRose LLP.

Tereposky & DeRose strives to provide services and operate its business in a manner that respects the independence and dignity of persons with disabilities in accordance with the purpose of provisions of the AODA and its regulations. We are also committed to providing persons with disabilities equal opportunity to obtain information and communicate with the firm, engage in employment opportunities, and access our services. Persons attending Tereposky & DeRose’s offices may attend with their service animals and/or use their own assistive devices as required.

Tereposky & DeRose shall provide members of the public the opportunity to provide feedback on our policies and the services provided to persons with disabilities. Any feedback can be made in-person at our reception desks, or by contacting our Chief Operating Officer located at Suite 1000, 81 Metcalfe Street, Ottawa, Ontario K1P 6K7, Telephone: 613-237-9059.

Tereposky & DeRose shall make available to persons, if requested, copies of our policies related to the Accessibility Standards established by the AODA and its regulations. Any requests should be directed to our Chief Operating Officer using the contact information above.

This policy and its related procedures will be reviewed by Tereposky & DeRose, as required.


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